Thursday, May 16, 2013


...from a photographer's notebook

Aw, shucks, guess my train loving soul is showing!

I mean, sometimes a photo just demands a  l-o-n-g  onomatopoeic title.

And, really, isn’t that just a handsome beast? (OK, that's just for locomotive lovers.)

This GE AC44CW and its mate behind it (8,800 horsepower on 24 wheels) are at the head of a 100+ long consist of coal hoppers from West Virginia and Ohio, waiting for their signal to proceed toward the huge CSX coal terminal in Baltimore’s Curtis Bay, where the coal will be sorted according to types for industrial use and then loaded onto ocean going freighters.

For now, though, its crew can relax as the two diesel electric machines go

Oh, yes, also PSSSSST-chungachungachungachunga, as their air compressors kick in, but that part wouldn’t fit under the photo ;-)

is my latest locomotive photograph. You can see it in higher definition here. It will be available as a custom printed Photo Note Card and in archival gallery prints, ready for locomotive lovers everywhere.

For size, price, and ordering information, please contact me at the e-mail address in the right column.

Scratch-n-Sniff diesel exhaust patch, extra.

©2013 Steve Ember

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