...from a photographer's notebook
In this age of “branding” everything – and I hasten to say we are not
talking about what is done with hot irons on cattle ranches to those poor
little “dogies,” but rather the catchy little names that must be invented for
product lines to ensure commercial success – I think I’ve come up with
something for a series of photos that insist upon making themselves whenever
I’m in Europe with my cameras (as though there is ever a time I’m in Europe but
not with the cameras).
Holy Agfachrome, Batman, did I write that 5-1/2 line sentence? Did you
even get through it?
I guess I’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do, eh Lucy?
In July 2010, I wrote in these rambles about a photograph I took of a
cute little tabby cat in Bad Mergentheim, Germany, who had scrambled across a
cobblestone street in the town, jumped up on a wall, and prettily posed for the
visiting camera-toting American…and how the moment immediately caused a quirky
little college German phrase to spring from the dusty dendrites of my gray
matter to the lips, as though learning it were yesterday rather than decades
past. The phrase was, “Die Katze ist auf die Mauer gesprungen” – the cat has
jumped on the wall – which, of course, I blurted out to a German photographer
friend who was with me, to the amusement of all within earshot.
Die Katze ist auf die Mauer gesprungen!
I didn’t realize it at the time, but my two “Katze/Mauer“ photos from
that German trip in 2008 were to become progenitors of so many other enjoyable kitty-photo-ops on
subsequent Europe trips.
Of course, I am always on the lookout
for a comely kitty as I prowl about mit
die Kameras, and that does include looking downward, as well as across or upward
to walls, but some of my favorite European kitty-pix have turned out to be of
kitties on stone walls.
Beatrice shows me Lenz |
That realization jumped out at me this week, as I was editing some
photos I took in 2011 in the village of Lenz (or Lantsch, as
it’s called in Romantsch, an ancient language spoken in Switzerland’s Canton
Graubünden). I was there with my Bündner friends Beatrice and Ruedi, who have
family in the village. Beatrice, who is also a photographer, was taking me
around this picturesque village, surrounded by rich green Alpine meadows on a
day that featured the most wonderful late afternoon sunlight casting magnificent long
shadows on the verdant greens.
Lenz/Lantsch has a lovely, and very old, church, St Mary’s, that sits
above the village. Beatrice knew I’d find it a wonderful motif for photography
as well as for capturing wide views of those shadows on the meadow. As we were
returning from the church, we walked along a stone wall beside the path, the
top surface being perhaps four feet off the ground. And there, in the warm early
autumn sunshine, was “Camo-Cat” the village calico. Well, I decided her name was “Camo-Cat” as she blended so nicely into the
foliage, her eyes nicely picking up the surrounding rich greens.
Camo-Cat (auf die Mauer, natürlich!) |
I take it as a matter of great personal pride and consider it something of
an honor that most kitties (who I find are superb judges of character!)
consider me a friend, usually immediately. I realize, of course, that when I
attempt conversation in Katze, it is
with an identifiable Amerikaner accent, but
it doesn’t seem to bother them in the least...
Is that a purposeful walk, or what? |
On that same visit to Switzerland, Ruedi,
Beatrice, and I stopped for lunch in the rustic old village of St Martin in the wildromantisch
Calfeisental region of Canton Sankt Gallen.
We were dining on the Restaurant St
Martin’s outdoor terrace, and as we ate, an attractive black and white kitty
came strutting, just as matter-of-factly as you please, along a - well not quite a wall, but a railing alongside our table. Time for one quick click with the little point-and-shoot before
she ambled by with catlike tread! She was walking with purpose and I can only think she was on a mission of some kind...
I realize I’ve been referring to all these photo-kitties as she. I
suppose I have an at least 50% chance of being correct, but most have struck me
as girls (or ladies). And, truth to tell, while most of these kitties were
absolutely willing subjects, I’m not at all sure they would have cared for a
visitor getting too “clinical” in verifying their gender…
Anyhow, this little kitty with her dainty white gloves struck a
coquettish pose as she looked down at the camera-guy from her perch high on a
stone wall. I haven’t given her a name just yet, as the title “Cattitude” seemed
to say it all.
I did think she had that “je ne sais quoi” to make her a pin-up girl
for my Euro-Kitties Calendar (just in the design-study stage for now but I rather
enjoyed making the cover layout – with apologies to those more fluent in German
than I). In that setting she would be known to her admirers as Zillis Bauernhof
Kitty (Zillis Farm Kitty).
Please excuse any clumsy German. As Dean Martin was fond of saying, "Jus' havin' a little fun here, folks!" |
I know that, lurking within my many files of yet-unedited images from
prowling about the cobblestones, there are likely more Katze/Mauer images,
which I will hope to share at some point. For now, happy Springtime, purrs ‘n’
gurgles, and think about making a sweet shelter kitty a part of your life.
I did. Mewer sends his best.
©2013 Steve Ember
Labels: Cat Calendar, Cat Photos, Cats on Walls, Deutsche Katzen, Kitties on Walls, Swiss Kitties
This is funny, in contents and writing...and cats are just loveable...
Thanks again for sharing.
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