...from a photographer's notebook
The mighty Matterhorn emerges from the cloud deck into the Gornergrat sunshine ©Steve Ember One of the photographs in my new show 'scapes by Steve Ember |
Shortly before the Independence Day holiday, last summer, I learned a new
word. Normally, I like to learn new
words, especially in other languages.
This new word, which I’d gladly have passed on learning –
but for the serendipitous events I’ll relate below – was “Derecho,” typically
Spanish for “right” (as opposed to izquierda for left). But when the
meteorologists get a hold of it, it also means “en linea recta” or a straight
line. As in violent storms that move in a straight line over a wide swath of
geography with hurricane-force winds, lightning, thunder…all that nasty stuff
that hit us at about 10 PM on Friday, June 30, and huffed and puffed for about
an hour, blew down trees and power lines…and left so many of us little piggies
in the dark.
Nothing to do but head to bed…and hope that some time in the
next few hours I’d awake to the reassuring sound of the air conditioning coming
back, ‘cause, dang it was hot that day, and the forecast was for no let-up in
the brutal heat and humidity.
Well, I did awaken, but not to the harmonious hum of the air
conditioning, but rather to the unsettling quiet – and the realization as I turned on
the news station that our area got whupped pretty good by El Señor Derecho.
Reports of power outages – as well as the prognoses from the
power companies – were dire, including the chance it would be a full week
before everyone got their power restored. And, while my neighborhood has
underground utilities and tends to get power back relatively quickly once main
circuits are restored (less trees on power lines to be dealt with), the rush on
hotels – that is, hotels that did
have power – being reported by the news station told me it would be prudent to
start finding a hotel room…sin demora,
muy pronto, er, real soon.
Now, a few hours are lost, as I work on Saturdays, but at
the first break, after finding the closest hotels to my neighborhood are either
without power or totally booked, I cast a wider net. The news station has
mentioned the Hyatt Regency in Reston has rooms. Now, Reston
Town Center
is thirty-some miles away from Mewer Manor, out a toll road toward Dulles
Airport. But it’s a nice large
hotel with many floors, so probably less likely to have gotten sold out yet ---
and large enough that I’d guess it to have a nice large generator to keep it
functioning no matter what.
So, I go online to Hyatt Reservations and am ecstatic
to find there are rooms (still!) available. I quickly confirm and then head back
down the road to check on the kitty and pack a bag. Then, it’s a scoot out the toll
road to Reston, arriving at
3:30, and ready to claim my nice
cool room.
The welcoming committee intercepts me before I step out of
the car. Seems communications were down between the hotel and the Hyatt reservations
computer. I’m told the splendid Hyatt has running water, but no electricity…and
no idea when it will be restored. Well, thank you, folks but I can get the same
deal at home without the “exercise” of climbing perhaps fourteen flights of
stairs in the dark.
And now, at 3:30 Saturday afternoon, with the benefit of
more dire reports from the news station about what a stew we are in as to
restoration of power, I begin to feel the tentacles of desperation and ask if
they might know of any hotel/motel within, say, fifty miles that might have
power…and a room we could book.
A very helpful member of the Reception Staff, Britney, comes
forth with grace and a certain gentle humor, and tells me the only hotel
they know of with rooms available is the Best Western Rosslyn/Iwo Jima, in Arlington. I ask Britney if she could call them and make
a reservation for me. Taking no chances I give her my credit card to ensure
such reservation is solid. Britney promises with an engaging smile not to use it to go on a shopping
spree. Now, while the Hyatt’s phones are out, along with their power, Britney
tells me her AT&T Blackberry is “just about working.” That’s a deal better
than I could say for my Verizon cell phone that afternoon. Britney calls the
Best Western and tries to give them my credit card, but is told they are so
busy, just to send me down there and they’ll hold a room.
So, back down the Toll Road to Arlington and into the
driveway of the Best Western, which has power, but its computer needs to be
re-booted from the earlier failure, before they even know if they have rooms.
Meantime, the Reception Staff is engaged in the tedious task of reconciling
paper with computer. Oh yes, they don’t have a reservation for me.
I must say, I did get to see some really nice professional
examples of hospitality people that day, coping with the impossible and showing
grace and courtesy in the process. This would certainly also describe Amanda at
the Best Western who dealt with consummate grace and courtesy with a lobby full
of arriving travelers as well as over-heated locals seeking a cool respite,
such as myself. Oh yes, and turning away countless more.
Amanda recognized my plight in terms of the “non-reservation
reservation,” and got me into the sequence such that I wouldn’t be bumped by
later arrivals whose reservations were
So, about that title up top…
I’ve always tried to believe in the wisdom of making
lemonade when I get a lemon lobbed my way, but a delightful bit of serendipity
helped the process along.
While Amanda was coping with the rooms situation, she was
also suggesting some local restaurants, in the event those of us waiting wanted
to relax over dinner while she and her colleagues sorted out the
paperwork/computer conundrum.
Considering the “tenuous” situation surrounding my own
reservation, I chose to stay “planted” right there in that lobby, maintaining
regular eye contact with the reception desk until the computers were back and
my room key was firmly in hand.
However once I had unpacked and was feeling a bit more
relaxed, I went downstairs and asked Amanda, “What was that nice Italian place
in the neighborhood that I heard you recommending?”
(…the one with the great pizza and special drinks…Ooh, was I
ever ready…for both)
“Piola,” she said brighly, and produced a walking map.
So, the worst of a taxing day in my rear view mirror, and
with the assurance of a comfortably cool room in which to sleep, I walked over
to Piola on Wilson Boulevard.
Must say, I’d not heard of it before, but was glad to make
its acquaintance as I enjoyed, for the first time, a well prepared pizza topped
with carpaccio. Delizioso.
In addition to the repast and the service being first rate,
the restaurant was easy on the eyes, bright, colorful, and spacious with its
high ceilings...and artwork on the walls.
Relaxing for the first time that day, as I enjoyed my
carpaccio pizza and a libation, my thoughts journeyed back to a long-ago visit
to Lake Como, specifically a most photogenic village rising steeply from the
lake, called Nesso.
I also took notice of the fact that the aforementioned
artwork was nicely lighted. (We visual artists do tend to notice such things!)
Sunday morning, I drove back down to Mewer Manor, to look in
on my little furry sidekick, trusting he had found a nice cool spot somewhere
in the lower reaches of his castle.
Happily, power had been restored sometime that morning
(Thank you, Dominion!), but the house was still pretty hot, and more storms
were in the forecast, so I thought I’d be prudent and spend the next night chez
Best Western as well.
Having enjoyed the pizza at Piola so much the first night, I
thought I’d pay a return visit, try out another entrée, and ask some questions
about their artists policy. I liked what I heard, and gave my server, Marco, my card.
And, as of this week, I can tell you that my next solo show
will be at Piola.
Please watch this space for details. If you are a client or
otherwise follow my work, you’ll be receiving an invitation to the Opening
Reception in early February. If you’d like to be added to my mailing list,
please contact me at the e-mail address at the bottom of my profile or via my website.
The show is called ‘scapes
by Steve Ember. And it will, as the name implies, be comprised of several
of my favorite landscapes. Think Lake
Como, Paris
in autumn, and (of course) lots of Alpine destinations. But, as the contraction
also implies, there will be some cityscapes and even some Nightscapes. Oh, yes,
and some new work from my trip to London
and Scotland in
November. The show will run from January 29 to March 29.
Meantime, if you’re out and about in Arlington
and desirous of a truly exceptional pizza, the place is Piola, up the hill from
central Rosslyn at 1550 Wilson Boulevard.
©2013 Steve Ember
Labels: Gornergrat, Matterhorn, Photography by Steve Ember, Piola
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